Why “Dry January” Can Make A Big Difference

Talking about livers is not a very sexy topic, but “Dry January” is a wonderful way to give your liver a well earned rest.  Livers are the largest, most overworked and undervalued internal organs we have. Even more amazing is that recent research shows they can completely regenerate themselves in 8-15 days if we look…

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The Vital Role of Gut Health

  Gut Health is the buzz phrase we all keep hearing in the press. The more scientific research that is done, the more the importance of our gut microbiome or ‘flora’ becomes apparent in all sorts of health issues. Your gut microbiome is a delicate environment that needs nurturing to keep in balance. An often…

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Why Moonlight Can Affect Your Sleep

Every month I see people who are having trouble sleeping, especially around the time of the full moon. We are all told to stop using screens well before bedtime, but the moon acts like a giant super “screen”. It’s an enormous source of intense light that can disturb your internal body clock and leave you…

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Eczema Explained

If you’ve ever had a “touch of eczema”, a non-contagious dry skin condition, you will be aware how relentless symptoms can sometimes be. Patient’s arms before remedies – January 2022 Eczema is particularly prevalent in young children and the National Eczema Society (NES) estimates that it affects 1 in 5 children in the UK.  The…

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What is Perimenopause?

Every month I see women with Perimenopausal symptoms. They may notice fluctuations in their moods, periods, sleep or temperature levels which can signal a reduction of female hormone production and the start of Perimenopause. When does Perimenopause start? Most women start having perimenopausal symptoms in their mid 40’s. This natural process happens gradually and can…

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Hay Fever – a holistic approach

Hay Fever has been a personal struggle for me. I have tried many different treatment paths but the most effective has been Homeopathy. Summer used to be a miserable time and now I very rarely get symptoms. If you suffer from Hay Fever you may have tried various anti-histamines, been prescribed steroids or even been…

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Natural ways to reduce hot flushes

  For those experiencing hot flushes during Perimenopause, symptoms can range from very mild to intense waves of heat. Although they are often called night sweats, hot flushes can happen day and night. They are often exhausting and unpleasant and seriously disrupt sleep patterns. Many women feel anxious not knowing when they might happen.  It…

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The Truth About Molluscum

Every year I see a handful of children with Molluscum: benign little hard, pink or red, raised bumps or papules erupting on the torso, under the armpits, behind the knees or in the groin area. Papules have a characteristic dimple in the middle and are not painful but can be itchy and are caused by…

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